Basic research for the future
Development of functional materials from a molecular perspectiveOVERVIEW
Synthesis and functional creation of
two-dimensional carbon nanosheets
Research on two-dimensional carbon nanosheets is becoming more and more active. Among these(2-D)materials, graphene oxide, which is obtained by oxidizing graphite, is not only a precursor of graphene, but it is also a material that can be expected to create new functions when combined with metals, polymers, and organic functional groups. In this research and development project, we aim to (1) clarify the formation process of graphene oxide and establish a flexible synthesis method for graphene oxide based on the identified mechanism, (2) synthesize graphene oxide composites and apply them to catalysts, batteries, conductive films, and light-emitting materials.

岡山大学大学院 自然科学研究科 応用化学専攻 機能分子工学研究室( 兼 岡山大学異分野融合先端研究コア )
仁科 勇太
【 専門 】有機化学,触媒,機能性材料
キーワード:二次元ナノカーボン 黒鉛 酸化グラフェン(Graphene Oxide, GO) グラフェン